Welcome to Stedham WI.

We are one of the oldest WI branches in England having been founded in 1918.
Our first meeting was held in January 1919.



We meet on the third Thursday of every month in Stedham Memorial Hall and have a varied programme of talks, workshops and social evenings.


Supper club.

On the second Thursday of the month members meet at one of a wide variety of pubs and restaurants in the local area.

2nd Thursday of each month


Knit and Natter.

Our Knit and Natter group meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 2.30pm. Bring along your craft projects and meet your friends!

4th Wednesday of each month

Walking club.

On the first Wednesday of the month members meet at a pre arranged start point for a walk. A mixture of new walks and old favourites.

Once a Month


Our recent activities